Ok, so last nite was the MK music awards...
The show they put on was amazing!
It was a Circus theme and they had everything
from trapeze artists to guys on stilts,
the tiniest little people and girls with
golden boobs... nice... Oh, and Natalie Roos was awsome!!!
The live performances of the artists were also
real awsomeness!!!
The awards on the other hand was
reasonably fair, in general, but then
there are people like Snotkop and
Nicholas Louw.... ugh...
The lamest people in the world!! The only phrase that Snotkop could
say was "sex sells", damn, he is sooooo creative!! and he won the "Porn
star award". Just because the guy is a chronic older man gay porn fan
does not make him a porn star.
This is what the douchbag looks like:
u tell me if he is a porn star or just creepy.

Then the dumb chop Nicholas Louw
wins an award for the best pop tune/video of the
I must say, the bar was set very high in
this catagory... Here's the compition:
1: Kurt Darren
1: Kurt Darren
2: Eden (Sorry Chris, you are rad tho)
I always knew I hated Nicholas Louw
but last nite his acceptance went something like this:
"Yeah, i decided a long time ago that i will make commercial music
"Yeah, i decided a long time ago that i will make commercial music
because otherwise you wont make money"
Fuk him! thats against anything an artist
should stand for! Fukn pisses me off when people
who have no appreciation for music get awards and is all "ya, i dont really want to be doing this" and now he is supposedly a South african artist!
Thats why the music industry in South Africa
still needs to grow, so much. Because there are
people that actually think that kak
afrikaans propaganda techno
sokkie shit is music!!
Well, maybe thats too harsh, i guess the people that do like what they do and
thats the music they make, i respect, but its mostly just
money making schemes, and that takes away listeners from the
real musical artists.

Lets hope people get more open minded!
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