So there's a new thing on the buzz, Roller-Derby. Some sexy ass rock'n'roll girls knocking the shit out of each other on rock'n'roller-skates. Yeah, some new age fun, with a vintage feel.
I think the highlight of the sport is really dressing up and owning super-slick-old-school-roller-skates. Its like lingerie for your feet, i suppose.
I think the highlight of the sport is really dressing up and owning super-slick-old-school-roller-skates. Its like lingerie for your feet, i suppose.

So these ladies decided to have a fund raiser to help out the cost to get this ball rolling. Also those skates cost an arm and a leg and you apparently need those to participate, so this causes one of those problem loops.

The theme of this party was, Stroke the furry wall. I think we have all seen the downloaded version of Get Him To The Greek by now, so you know what that means. If you dont, go watch the movie.
Personally, i think, if life hands you a Geoffrey, don't go stroking walls, don't be a pussy, go out and go party!! and say thank you, to the person who shared his shit with you for free.

The DJ's were Sexual Dinosaur and Deeziak, they were off the fukn walls that night. Even if those walls were nice and furrrrrrrry. There was another DJ, who was also quite good, but i cant remember his name........... Sorry guy.

Like all times that old friends get together, there was an ominous feeling of, Oh my holy shitballs we are going to all have to sleep in the parking lot tonight!!

I love this photo.

I tried to hang myself, because Puddy was being so boring all night...... hahahahahah!!! i keeeeeed!!! As always, it was awesome to party with this marrrrebitch, you're guaranteed a rough day in the office the next day tho.

hehehehehehe!! i feel special.

Some of the ladies got a little loose

Just pretending, so we can get the dance part of the night dealt with, so we can have a proper, gettrashedinsidethetequilabottlefacefirst and see who gets home, night.

Im not exactly sure, but i think the party ended about three days later... people got emotional, some fukn in cars. it might have gotten a little out of hand. But i was nothing more that the voice inside the people, that said, its ok... drink just seven more.... i wont tell the police...

Girls really don't love dead girls, but necrophiliacs do.

Hopefully you've made some awesome mistakes of your own the w.end... if you didnt... well, you're boring and don't.
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