Ok beeecheeees!! This is the new and old mu-sick thats been playing my heart strings the last couple months. Jrrrrrr, i do love it!!
My Chemical Romance (Danger Days)

Im not going to lie, Black Parade was a bit of a let down to me... the two albums before that was a combo of beutiful and an insane kid mixed with billy talent, and the Black parade that was just boring. But this new album, Danger Days, is soooooooo rad! Dont be suprised if something smells funny, cus it'll knock your socks off!!!
MIDTOWN (forget what you know)

MIDTOWN (Living well is the best revenge)

I love MIDTOWN thats all im goin to say... seems very poppy, but good lyrics and rad melodies.
SUM 41 (Does this look infected)

I bought this album again, cus.... its the shit! I remember 8/9 years ago i was in Margate with my brother Kruger and best friend Garth and we switched between this CD an Black Sabbath for 2 weeks straight!! This and Chuck, the raddest SUM 41 albums!!
Pennywise (Full Circle)

Cus, it needs to be there when you need some So-Cal!!
Brazil (The philosophy of velocity)

This band i accidently started listeng to cus it was part of my studying mix, somehow, on my bro's mp3 cds... and i loved these songs for like 2 years before i found our what the name of the band was.... weird... but fukn rad... takes a while to get used to tho...
The Cavalier (Album due to release, you can come have a listen in my car)

This is just the raddest CD to come out in this country in a long time, well recorded, good music, good lyrics. Right up my alley with some punk beats, melodic vocals and a bit of screaming.... For those that can let go of their small little minds, with "it doesnt fall in my sub-sub-sub-sub-sub-sub genre, so it sucks", or "that guy looks so arrogant" attitude, this will be one of the best albums you will ever have...
Dance Gavin Dance (Downtown Battle Mountain)

Good one... im getting lazy to type.... but it is really good tho... im doing it an injustice by not elaborating. but i have ADD and cant concentrate for so long... im goin to have a lil walk before i start typing the last one...
Blink 182 (Enema of the state)

fuk, these dudes just have the same sense of humour as me and mix it in with some seriousness and this roller coaster of meaningfuljokedarklightsillyseriousness is just amazing! So rad listening to this again. People were always so easy to say they're lame cus its commercial... fuk that, they're rad!!!
and so are some people...
but mostly... neh....